"The Mother Corp. was there when I needed her. When everyone else put me on hold, or stopped listening, or told me to go somewhere else, or charged me way too much for ambivalence, she was there; with compassion, respect and most critically with the knowledge I needed about the system and its inner workings. After I thought that I had explored every avenue and had found the doors all locked, The Mother Corp. found ways to open them. I called her in exhilaration, her insights had worked, I had found what I needed to save myself and perhaps even more critically, I was able to protect my child. The Mother Corp. understands the psychological workings of silent abuse but also the legal, social, and interpersonal ways that make it hard to break free. She is non-judgemental, right there in all the ways you want someone to show up, and she not only understands the situation at hand, but she is also there as a professional and informational guide to show you all the ways out - ways to move forward with your life, that you would have never have seen on your own."